
Read Me Allowed and Blacklisted Modifications

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Senior Admin
Modifications and Clients

Here you can find modifications and clients that are permitted on the LotusMC Network, as well as a provided explanation for each example. If a modification does not completely fit into one of the categories, or if you are questioning the legality of your modifications, it is first assumed that it is a blacklisted modification. If you have any questions about a modification not listed here, create a support ticket on the Discord to avoid any possible situations.

Gameplay Improvement Modifications:
Any modifications with the only purpose to improve the performance of Minecraft without altering the game itself, such as FPS enhancements are allowed.

Shader Modifications and Resource Packs:
Some modifications that change only the visuals of the game without altering main gameplay, such as standard shaders or resource packs are permitted. However, any change of the transparency/visuals of blocks and/or items are blacklisted. Examples of this include but are not limited to transparency (X-Ray) resource packs, altering outside of the user's normal perspective (Free Cam), etc.

Cosmetic and HUD Modifications:
These are modifications that alter the HUD, without providing extra information which would normally be unavailable to the user. For example, HUDs adding armor durability, potion effects, which is information provided to the user on the inventory screen, and mini-maps are permitted, while other users health bars, armor durability, and player distance are not. Any information that grants a competitive advantage over other users in combat, harvesting, etc. are blacklisted.

Brightness & Saturation Modifications:
Modifications that allow you to adjust the level of brightness and saturation (Full-Bright) to see areas that normally appear darker to users are allowed.

• Blacklisted Modifications:
There are many types of blacklisted modifications out there, therefore it would be impossible to provide a complete list of clients and mods that are blacklisted from the LotusMC Network.

Any modifications or clients that provide a competitive advantage over other users are classified as blacklisted. This includes, but is not limited to, any automated user activity (farming, combat, clicking, macros, fly-boosting, etc.).

Note: 2x Flyboosting is allowed for this map.

Any modifications or clients that provide a competitive advantage over others in pvp are also classified as blacklisted. This includes, but is not limited to, kill aura, aimbot/aim assist, reach, criticals, auto-clicking, auto-armor, auto-pot, x-ray, b-hop, etc.

Any modifications or clients that change the way the server interacts with the user are blacklisted, even if the mods included on it fall under the "allowed modifications" categories. Ensure that each mod used interacts with the users side only.

Any “cracked” or illegally obtained modifications and/or clients are strictly blacklisted. These mod packs or clients may include extra add-ons that you may not be aware of.

• Allowed Modifications List:
Provided below are examples of allowed modifications and clients on the LotusMC Network that you can use or reference your modifications from.

Please note that we do not endorse any of the provided examples and they are to be installed and used at your own risk.

- Lunar Client
- Badlion Client
- Crystal Client
- Animation Mods
- Optifine
- Printer
- Shaders
- Gameplay Recorders
- Modpacks or Clients (Only including allowed modifications)
- Optimization Modifications
- Armor and Tools Durability
- Potion and Status Effects
- Resource Packs (Only including non-block transparency adjustment packs)

If you are using any modifications or clients not listed above, please open a support ticket on the Discord ( and provide as much details as possible about your modifications/clients to be reviewed by an administrator.
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