
Accepted adnnan's Staff Application

What is your IGN? adnnan

What is your discord username? Adnan#1907

What is your age? 16

What is your timezone? NA

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online Since I'm now on summer break - 8 hours a day if I have nothing planned

Why are you interested in applying for our team? I'm looking for a position to staff on a server, since I really wanna get into the habit of staffing rather than playing the game.

What made you chose our team over others? Since it's officially the 8th map. I see that the individuals who run this server are very dedicated and committed to making a server which will last. That's something I would like to be apart of and dedicate my time towards, rather than applying for a server who will only host 1-2 maps. The server is doing good in player activity and that makes me want to apply here even more since the server has an actual player base.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Have been helper on a few servers
Mod on KushPvp

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) Not to throw any shade on anyone but majority of the servers in the community are filled with staff who are new to the game, and don't understand how anything works. Unlike me I've been playing this game for well over 4 years, and played my part in very big factions on very competitive servers. I understand how the game mode works and what to look out for as a staff member. I'm simply looking to make a positive impact on this server an try to support players in game and thru discord (tickets, vc, etc). I can record and screenshot anything needed, I understand that each server has different rules which I will completely follow. I know its not 300 words but I think I've given the gist of what I can offer.

Do you have anything else to add? I know it's not the best thing to say but I would really like the position of a mod or higher up. I'd rather not want to get into the helper phase and prove that I'm worthy of mod over time. I have experience on commands and playing the game. I feel like I can actually do something to support the server as a mod rather than watch chat all day as a helper. -Mic is also broken but will get a new one ASAP

I would love to have the experience as a staff member on LotusMc
Thank you for reading my Application,

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @adnnan,

Thank you for applying and congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Pending Interview. Please DM me [Paiinful#8344] on Discord to set up an appropriate interview time.

Best of luck,
- LotusMC Staff Management