
Denied cry_4219's Staff Application

What is your IGN? cry_4219

What is your discord username? Clxudy Sweat#8905

What is your age? 14

What is your timezone? (Na East)

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online I can be online for how long i want everyday

Why are you interested in applying for our team? Im interested for appliying on the staff team because i want too see lotus grow ill stream ill play and i would put money in the server too keep it up and this would be my first moderating and im really stricted on hackers and i will be on a players account and play the game for a bit and on my staff account i will be tping and looking for any other people that are exploting/hacking/cheating and if they do that it will be a 3day banned

What made you chose our team over others? I think the server needs some help I am willing to help the server in anyway possible and I really want to make sure the community stays safe and player's be happy and enjoy the server while being super strict on hackers.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail No

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) Well I don't really like standing out i feel like everyone should have the same amount of rights to apply and if they dont get accepted they still get too play the game.

Do you have anything else to add? Id be really helpful and active the Owner knows me im TAB02 i brought a couple people from my twitch and twitter i want to bring good to this server and more people i will find exploits and fix them i have abt 7years in experience in factions i would add new things such as dungeons/fishing area/i could make a new server added to Lotus like survival and prisons bring money in the server and ill try my best to keep it up

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? No


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @Qzase,

Thank you for applying and congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Pending Interview. Please DM me [Paiinful#8344] on Discord to set up an appropriate interview time.

Best of luck,
- LotusMC Staff Management
Greetings, @Qzase,

I am just following up, We have not seen a message from you confirming a time for an interview. If you are still interested please DM Painful or Myself. If no response is given within 48hrs Application will be denied.

Have a Gooday.
Greetings @Qzase,

Thank you for applying! Unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reason(s):

- not scheduling an interview in time.

Feel free to re-apply in a week.
- LotusMC Staff Management