What is your IGN? DavidandJerry
What is your discord username? PremanshMC#6301
Have you applied before? No
What is your age? 14 turning 15 in this may (birthdate; 30 may 2007)
What is your timezone? India (GMT+5:30)
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
Are you able to devote time into your position? Yes I Do! , i can spend 5-6 hours daily!.
Why are you interested in applying for our team? Because I understand that having a staff role will bring a lot of pressure on me, But I am happy when helping players with the game, assisting or teaching newcomers how to play the game like teaching them the basics knowledge, letting them know about other server's features they don't know, and mostly about the rules and regulation of the game.
For me, taking care of the players and the Helping / Assisting the players is fun. And That’s why I tried to get more experience from Gamemode (Faction).
And I also know how hard it is to take care of the server or having a staff role in faction but I'm sure I'll enjoy or have it (Helping players).
And I also know how hard it is to take care of the server or having a staff role in survival 2 but I'm sure I'll enjoy or have it (Helping players).
What made you chose our team over others? When i joined the server Owner(Modsy) talking to everyone and replying to all players. not like other server's owner who don't respect their community, and i love the nature of staff and specially the owner.
That's why i would like to be a part of lotusmc.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail My first and last staff experience for now is being a moderator at Minehub.ph, but the server closed down due to insufficient funding.
That is why I want to resume my career because I was trained to be a good staff.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? You should choose me as a staff over somebody else because I always seek the possible outcome in every situation that I know. If an incident got me emotionally or angry, I would just let staff to dealt with it.
My Strengths are Overthinking, Empathy and Patience. Overthinking, as I said in the first sentence. Empathy helps me to grow and know what it feels like to be in other life, and how would I be able to make a decision as to them. and lastly Patience, This word helps me that I can stop worrying when things take longer than they should be, and it reduces the negative emotions that I felt.
I can ensure you that all of my action will benefit everyone because knowing the possibility of the action that you will try to do will have a lot of good and bad consequences but I am always trying to fair with everyone because it's the basic and nice to do when you are a human being. I am willing to help those who are in need and I am obedient to orders and rules just like in school where I always try to listen to the rules and regulations. If I see trash that's not in the trash bin. I will put the trash in the trash bin, That's what I been doing in my school when I see trash on the floor because it's a basic and neutral thing to do for your school.and love to interact with the other players, help them too.
Do you have anything else to add? As what I've said earlier, I have extensive experience moderating my previous server, and having that experience I can guide the upcoming members and staffs about how the server works and their available commands works.
That is all.
Are you able to get on the server on a short notice? Yes
Do you agree not to create drama whether your application is accepted or denied? Yes
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes
Are you able to make your staffing experience here a commitment? Yes
Are you currently staff on any other server or platform? No
What is your discord username? PremanshMC#6301
Have you applied before? No
What is your age? 14 turning 15 in this may (birthdate; 30 may 2007)
What is your timezone? India (GMT+5:30)
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
Are you able to devote time into your position? Yes I Do! , i can spend 5-6 hours daily!.
Why are you interested in applying for our team? Because I understand that having a staff role will bring a lot of pressure on me, But I am happy when helping players with the game, assisting or teaching newcomers how to play the game like teaching them the basics knowledge, letting them know about other server's features they don't know, and mostly about the rules and regulation of the game.
For me, taking care of the players and the Helping / Assisting the players is fun. And That’s why I tried to get more experience from Gamemode (Faction).
And I also know how hard it is to take care of the server or having a staff role in faction but I'm sure I'll enjoy or have it (Helping players).
And I also know how hard it is to take care of the server or having a staff role in survival 2 but I'm sure I'll enjoy or have it (Helping players).
What made you chose our team over others? When i joined the server Owner(Modsy) talking to everyone and replying to all players. not like other server's owner who don't respect their community, and i love the nature of staff and specially the owner.
That's why i would like to be a part of lotusmc.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail My first and last staff experience for now is being a moderator at Minehub.ph, but the server closed down due to insufficient funding.
That is why I want to resume my career because I was trained to be a good staff.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? You should choose me as a staff over somebody else because I always seek the possible outcome in every situation that I know. If an incident got me emotionally or angry, I would just let staff to dealt with it.
My Strengths are Overthinking, Empathy and Patience. Overthinking, as I said in the first sentence. Empathy helps me to grow and know what it feels like to be in other life, and how would I be able to make a decision as to them. and lastly Patience, This word helps me that I can stop worrying when things take longer than they should be, and it reduces the negative emotions that I felt.
I can ensure you that all of my action will benefit everyone because knowing the possibility of the action that you will try to do will have a lot of good and bad consequences but I am always trying to fair with everyone because it's the basic and nice to do when you are a human being. I am willing to help those who are in need and I am obedient to orders and rules just like in school where I always try to listen to the rules and regulations. If I see trash that's not in the trash bin. I will put the trash in the trash bin, That's what I been doing in my school when I see trash on the floor because it's a basic and neutral thing to do for your school.and love to interact with the other players, help them too.
Do you have anything else to add? As what I've said earlier, I have extensive experience moderating my previous server, and having that experience I can guide the upcoming members and staffs about how the server works and their available commands works.
That is all.

Are you able to get on the server on a short notice? Yes
Do you agree not to create drama whether your application is accepted or denied? Yes
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes
Are you able to make your staffing experience here a commitment? Yes
Are you currently staff on any other server or platform? No
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