
Denied DEP0RT's Staff Application

What is your IGN? DEP0RT

What is your discord username? Fitings#3579

What is your age? 19

What is your timezone? EST

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online i can be on every single day

Why are you interested in applying for our team? i see a-lot of potential with the server growing and also i have a lot of fun playing on the server and want to interact more with the community

What made you chose our team over others? i like how the owner is very respectful and knows how to run a server with things like being active and very interactive with the community who play on his server

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail the servers i have been staff on before were dragonhcf,parapots, pulsehcf and also cavepvp when they opened up

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) i stand out because i am a very out going person i dont know how to give up. with not knowing how to give up it helps to achieve goals that i set like wanting to be staff on this server. going the extra mile for a person in need really builds a relationship with knowing that your serious about how another person feels such like when a player on the server needs help i try and go out of my way to assist and if i do get the chance to become staff you guys wouldn't be disappointed because im very blunt and just want to help and see this server grow for the better and create a community that is strong and loyal so everyone on the server has the best experience. with giving me the opportunity to become staff on the server you guys would really see how good i would be on the staff team and towards the players to achieve what the owners goal is to become one of the biggest servers in the world for factions and i want to help.

Do you have anything else to add? please give me a chance you wouldn't be disappointed

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes