What is your IGN? EdgarBeaner
What is your discord username? One#8482
What is your age? 17
What is your timezone? NA (GMT+4)
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online Daily Availability
Monday: 5 - 6 Hours
Tuesday: 5 - 6 Hours
Wednesday : 5 - 6 Hours
Thursday: 5 - 6 Hours
Friday: 6 - 8 Hours
Saturday: 6 - 8 Hours
Sunday: 6 - 8 Hours
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I'm interested in applying for a position on LotusMC because i see the big potential that the server could and will have.
What made you chose our team over others? There are a variety of servers that i could of applied for a staff position on, but i chose LotusMc because i saw big potential in the staff team and in the server when i played. I want to help the server and the staff team.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Staff Experiences
I've had plenty of past staff experience on faction servers, and even prison servers. Here is a list of my past staff ranks and what assignments i had as that staff rank and so on,
| Senior - Junior Administration |
On VaporizedMC i was Senor Admin. and was incharge of configs, and investigations like staff abuse, insiding, and or the violation of rules.
ParadiseMC ( Old )
On ParadiseMC as Senior Admin my job was to deal with staff applications for the time being but the server didn't go too well because of ownership issues so it was shut down.
| Senior - Junior Moderator |
As a Moderator on CrusadeMC. My mission was to hand out punishments to the players who violated the rules and keep watch over the server while the higher ups fixed and dealt with other things that only they could be trusted with while the owner was away or busy.
| Helper |
As a helper on PvpLabs I'm sure everyone knows what you do as a helper moderate chat basically.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) I specialize in many things within factions as I've been a player for years myself. I know my way around cannons, commands, what should be legal or illegal based on rules, base layouts etc. As a staff on faction servers many at that i’ve seen a variety of different plugins, configs, and even know basically all the staff plugins and the commands in them. I have the experience needed for a factions staff member, and unlike most staff. I've been on servers and experienced the pain of rollbacks, investigations and such against those who have never been through those things and the stress.
Do you have anything else to add? Sorry about the first staff application, The website was down and it said " Account suspended " for everyone. So i did not check if it was up again for my staff application nor did i get a email saying anything about getting a message.
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes
What is your discord username? One#8482
What is your age? 17
What is your timezone? NA (GMT+4)
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online Daily Availability
Monday: 5 - 6 Hours
Tuesday: 5 - 6 Hours
Wednesday : 5 - 6 Hours
Thursday: 5 - 6 Hours
Friday: 6 - 8 Hours
Saturday: 6 - 8 Hours
Sunday: 6 - 8 Hours
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I'm interested in applying for a position on LotusMC because i see the big potential that the server could and will have.
What made you chose our team over others? There are a variety of servers that i could of applied for a staff position on, but i chose LotusMc because i saw big potential in the staff team and in the server when i played. I want to help the server and the staff team.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Staff Experiences
I've had plenty of past staff experience on faction servers, and even prison servers. Here is a list of my past staff ranks and what assignments i had as that staff rank and so on,
| Senior - Junior Administration |
On VaporizedMC i was Senor Admin. and was incharge of configs, and investigations like staff abuse, insiding, and or the violation of rules.
ParadiseMC ( Old )
On ParadiseMC as Senior Admin my job was to deal with staff applications for the time being but the server didn't go too well because of ownership issues so it was shut down.
| Senior - Junior Moderator |
As a Moderator on CrusadeMC. My mission was to hand out punishments to the players who violated the rules and keep watch over the server while the higher ups fixed and dealt with other things that only they could be trusted with while the owner was away or busy.
| Helper |
As a helper on PvpLabs I'm sure everyone knows what you do as a helper moderate chat basically.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) I specialize in many things within factions as I've been a player for years myself. I know my way around cannons, commands, what should be legal or illegal based on rules, base layouts etc. As a staff on faction servers many at that i’ve seen a variety of different plugins, configs, and even know basically all the staff plugins and the commands in them. I have the experience needed for a factions staff member, and unlike most staff. I've been on servers and experienced the pain of rollbacks, investigations and such against those who have never been through those things and the stress.
Do you have anything else to add? Sorry about the first staff application, The website was down and it said " Account suspended " for everyone. So i did not check if it was up again for my staff application nor did i get a email saying anything about getting a message.
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes