What is your IGN? ForsakenX0
What is your discord username? TheCoolEmoji
What is your age? 15
What is your timezone? GMT+2
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online 2-4 Hours a day
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I always looked up to staff members and saw how they help with the server. I always looked up to them. It was staff before and I am re-applying. Now, I have the chance to become one. Motivation to apply was also the amount of bug aubsers and the chat being overly toxic. Sometimes, there is not a staff member online to handle the situation which is not good. Since not a lot of staff members are from my timezone, I believe I would be able to moderate the chat and keep it nice and friendly. I was also motivated to re-apply since Lotusmc has a great community, I would say that helping the server with bans, mutes etc. would be a nice way to say thank you! My final reason is that I like helping people. You probably know, I was staff here before and I would like to further to be staff here. I enjoy being helping the server allot!.
What made you chose our team over others? Well as the server has a large player Base, I see it as a great opportunity to help with bans, mutes etc, as I have played in the server some people tend to be super toxic and some staff don't do much about it other then that, I am willing to help the server out, since for the past months I became more active and I interacted with other players more, I learnt more about hacks and their detection and willing to provide those skills in the server, most of the people who play factions tend to use hacks as an unfair advantage to get money from payouts and, I am willing to stop hackes, Spammers and people who are racist.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Said from my past application I have been moderating for 4 years and I have gained allot of knowledge from that . Overall, I think I would rate myself a 6 out of 10. I can identify more blatant and well-known hacks pretty easily. I am also confident in my ability to differentiate between normal players and hackers, as I am quite knowledgeable with the kits available on the server. However, when it comes to more obscure hacks, I have a bit more trouble spotting them. I have a basic knowledge and understanding of these hacks, however I canāt always see them, especially if the cheater is using low settings. I still have lots to learn about hacks on Minecraft, but I am eager to learn and feel that I could vastly expand my knowledge and skills with moderating experience. I have been moderating in a server called munchy, I have more experience in staffing in Lotusmc since I was staff before I know the staff rules and rules from the document.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) During my time as a helper, I would help moderate chat & answer questions when necessary. I also had the opportunity to observe more experienced staff members and learn how to handle tricky situations. While most of my moderation experience comes from my time as a Helper, I also can help manage a Discord server with approximately 800 members. Both of these opportunities have exposed me to different challenges, and have helped me gain confidence in my moderating abilities. I have a good knowledge of most minecraft cheats, and Iām familiar enough with Factions to tell the difference between hacks (Feather vs nofall, Anvil vs antikb, Glider vs fly, etc.) Iām confident that with the tools offered to me through my rank, Iāll be able to effectively detect and punish hackers. Iāll also be surrounded by experienced staff members who I can learn from and ask for help.
Do you have anything else to add? This applications was used to re-apply, since my first staff applications was accepted and I got demoted.
In this application I did not copy the words from last application to show that I am ready for become staff again
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes
What is your discord username? TheCoolEmoji

What is your age? 15
What is your timezone? GMT+2
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online 2-4 Hours a day
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I always looked up to staff members and saw how they help with the server. I always looked up to them. It was staff before and I am re-applying. Now, I have the chance to become one. Motivation to apply was also the amount of bug aubsers and the chat being overly toxic. Sometimes, there is not a staff member online to handle the situation which is not good. Since not a lot of staff members are from my timezone, I believe I would be able to moderate the chat and keep it nice and friendly. I was also motivated to re-apply since Lotusmc has a great community, I would say that helping the server with bans, mutes etc. would be a nice way to say thank you! My final reason is that I like helping people. You probably know, I was staff here before and I would like to further to be staff here. I enjoy being helping the server allot!.
What made you chose our team over others? Well as the server has a large player Base, I see it as a great opportunity to help with bans, mutes etc, as I have played in the server some people tend to be super toxic and some staff don't do much about it other then that, I am willing to help the server out, since for the past months I became more active and I interacted with other players more, I learnt more about hacks and their detection and willing to provide those skills in the server, most of the people who play factions tend to use hacks as an unfair advantage to get money from payouts and, I am willing to stop hackes, Spammers and people who are racist.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Said from my past application I have been moderating for 4 years and I have gained allot of knowledge from that . Overall, I think I would rate myself a 6 out of 10. I can identify more blatant and well-known hacks pretty easily. I am also confident in my ability to differentiate between normal players and hackers, as I am quite knowledgeable with the kits available on the server. However, when it comes to more obscure hacks, I have a bit more trouble spotting them. I have a basic knowledge and understanding of these hacks, however I canāt always see them, especially if the cheater is using low settings. I still have lots to learn about hacks on Minecraft, but I am eager to learn and feel that I could vastly expand my knowledge and skills with moderating experience. I have been moderating in a server called munchy, I have more experience in staffing in Lotusmc since I was staff before I know the staff rules and rules from the document.
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) During my time as a helper, I would help moderate chat & answer questions when necessary. I also had the opportunity to observe more experienced staff members and learn how to handle tricky situations. While most of my moderation experience comes from my time as a Helper, I also can help manage a Discord server with approximately 800 members. Both of these opportunities have exposed me to different challenges, and have helped me gain confidence in my moderating abilities. I have a good knowledge of most minecraft cheats, and Iām familiar enough with Factions to tell the difference between hacks (Feather vs nofall, Anvil vs antikb, Glider vs fly, etc.) Iām confident that with the tools offered to me through my rank, Iāll be able to effectively detect and punish hackers. Iāll also be surrounded by experienced staff members who I can learn from and ask for help.
Do you have anything else to add? This applications was used to re-apply, since my first staff applications was accepted and I got demoted.
In this application I did not copy the words from last application to show that I am ready for become staff again
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes