
Accepted HCF2's Staff Application


Staff member
What is your IGN? HCF2

What is your discord username? HCF/hcf2

What is your age? 19

What is your timezone? GMT+1

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online 5-7h

Why are you interested in applying for our team? Why are you interested in applying for our team? I am interested in applying for the lotus mc Team because I want to balance the server on the staff wise being more active more then anyone helping with everything I can I would report every abuse and staff abuse for factions and more I be active during raids and recording everything so people dont complain About Rollbacks

What made you chose our team over others? What made you chose our team over others? I believe that you should choose me as I can benefit the server by dedicating a lot of my time to moderating both the in-game server and the discord by having the ability to connect with players in a mature way as a staff member should. I would also try my hardest to observe when a player may be cheating or breaking the rules and would record to provide evidence before doing anything, and then confirm with another member of staff that they are guilty of breaking the rules.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Rival network sa
saitohub admin
MineLimit Admin
cavepvp srmod
Cosmicpe sr mod
kahir mod+
Vipermc mod+
Plunder Games Mod+1
OroMc Mod
lushpvp mod
hygon mod
Kodai Mod/Media manager
Crankedpvp helper
mine surge tmod

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) When considering what sets me apart from other applicants, particularly for a role at LotusMc, two key attributes come to mind:
Activity: My Activity on lotus Mc would be out standing then over applicants aswell as current staff
Discipline: My Discipline To every faction would be the same as everyone that plays lotusmc
Commitment to Impactful Actions: My Commitment to Impactful Actions includes if I was higher staff i would think about Do they In the Qualification of a role back aswell as player RoleBacks

In conclusion Activity, to my Discipline and my commitment to creating impactful Actions, and ability to adapt and collaborate set me apart from other applicants. I am confident that these qualities will enable me to contribute meaningfully to LotusMc's continued success and innovation.

Do you have anything else to add? Me as a staff member i have shown servers that i dont like abuse in other staff members and dont

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes


Staff member
Dear @HCF,

Thank you for submitting your staff application! We have reviewed your application and would like to proceed with the next step in our selection process. To move forward, we require an interview with you.

Please let us know your availability for an interview over the next two weeks so we can schedule a suitable time. We look forward to discussing your application in more detail.

Best regards,