
Accepted losmexicanos's Staff Application

What is your IGN? losmexicanos

What is your discord username? Wr#2215

What is your age? 14

What is your timezone? NA EST

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online 4-5 hours

Why are you interested in applying for our team? To better my experience with being a staff member and trying new things within the factions community.

What made you chose our team over others? I'm interested in this server and what it is to come, also I would like to aid the server within not just factions but the community itself

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail I was only a Mod on AstroMC, I believe I was helper on a few insignificant servers really can't remember much.

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) I am active a lot on discord, active a lot in game. If I am usually needed a ping is useful to notify me of important events. I am helpful when it comes to the gamemode, I keep myself from doing stupid things that jeopardize a players experience and the server itself *cough* @diny. I am pretty skilled overall with the knowledge of factions and how to foster a community. I know how to be nice and helpful to others while also being professional and trustworthy. Preventing players from breaking rules, for example fly boost over 2x, cheating, general rules to keep the server healthy and halting most dangerous activities. I'm pretty much a good influence on most players as, yes I already stated I will be active on most hours. My main goal is to aid the server by being staff, help players and other staff as well, and bonding the community as a whole. As when players join for "SOTW" being online is important when bugs are reported, glitches are found, cheaters are abundant so usually I will be online for most SOTW's.

Do you have anything else to add? Jshal can vouch for me for being staff. I haven't much to add since I already stated it above.

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @wedler,

Thank you for applying and congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Pending Interview. Please DM me [Paiinful#8344] on Discord to set up an appropriate interview time.

Best of luck,
- LotusMC Staff Management
Greetings @wedler,

I am following up on your interview. The Staff Management team has not received a message regarding when is a good time to have an interview. If you are still interested in being apart of the Staff team, Please DM Painful Or myself. If no response in 48hrs Application will be denied.

Have a Gooday!
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