What is your IGN? Siblinqs
What is your discord username? Siblinqs#2224
What is your age? 16
What is your timezone? EST
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online Monday | 7PM - 10PM
FRIDAY | 7PM - Whenever
Saturday | Whenever - Whenever
Sunday | Whenever - 10PM
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I am interested in applying for the staff team here at LotusMc because I wanted to try something new and Lotus seems as a fresh new server with a new community that I can introduce myself to and add my abilities to make the community enjoy the server more and interact with the staff better and smoother.
What made you chose our team over others? I wanted to chose Lotus' staff over other servers because the community. To me the community surrounding the server makes the server stand out, not only does the community seem fun and active but also different to other servers.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Staff Experience
TheArchon - Mod+
Cavepvp - T-Mod
Valorhcf - SrMod
Syncpvp - SrAdmin/Manager
HCRival - Admin
ExtinctPvp - SrMod
WarzoneMC - SrMod
Nasa - Helper
Veltpvp - Mod
(I have proof for some of these just ask if needed)
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) First, there is an abundant amount of reasons I want to become a staff on Lotus, making it more of a thing I like to do and not like a job. For starters, I love the Lotus community and I want to help out in more than just what I'm capable of doing now. I want people to have a pleasant experience on Lotus to walk away with at the end of the day, to give them a reason to login and want to play on our network. To do this I will do my best to create a better environment for the player base by getting rid of toxicity in game along with those pesky hackers who keep popping up every day. I will also voice my opinion and concerns as they arise to my attention which I realize a lot of people are shy of doing. Here are some traits that best define who I am.
I take work seriously, however that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy having fun. A good balance of worth ethics along with conduct can be maintained into a good play style that can turn a staff into a great leader to set the example for the community. This is the role model I strive to be. This also brings us into our next trait here,
Definitely a trait you want each of your staff to have. It proves to the community that the person they look up to is reliable and assures them that their server is being taken care of properly. Being 16, currently in sports like wrestling and football it has taught me how to maintain respect for authority and keep a tight and tidy demeanor.
Note that I am currently in US where the time zone is almost perfect for the server, this is a good thing. I can be online when most of the players are online which will help provide coverage to the server at a players discretion.
Having prior experience staffing on the Minecraft factions scene along with experience being a higher up on big HCF servers I have a great laydown of the server rules and guidelines players should follow. This is also from background knowledge from playing the game mode as a player, which I have been doing for almost 7 years now.
Do you have anything else to add? I can speak English and Spanish
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes
What is your discord username? Siblinqs#2224
What is your age? 16
What is your timezone? EST
Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes
How often can you be online Monday | 7PM - 10PM
FRIDAY | 7PM - Whenever
Saturday | Whenever - Whenever
Sunday | Whenever - 10PM
Why are you interested in applying for our team? I am interested in applying for the staff team here at LotusMc because I wanted to try something new and Lotus seems as a fresh new server with a new community that I can introduce myself to and add my abilities to make the community enjoy the server more and interact with the staff better and smoother.
What made you chose our team over others? I wanted to chose Lotus' staff over other servers because the community. To me the community surrounding the server makes the server stand out, not only does the community seem fun and active but also different to other servers.
Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Staff Experience
TheArchon - Mod+
Cavepvp - T-Mod
Valorhcf - SrMod
Syncpvp - SrAdmin/Manager
HCRival - Admin
ExtinctPvp - SrMod
WarzoneMC - SrMod
Nasa - Helper
Veltpvp - Mod
(I have proof for some of these just ask if needed)
What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) First, there is an abundant amount of reasons I want to become a staff on Lotus, making it more of a thing I like to do and not like a job. For starters, I love the Lotus community and I want to help out in more than just what I'm capable of doing now. I want people to have a pleasant experience on Lotus to walk away with at the end of the day, to give them a reason to login and want to play on our network. To do this I will do my best to create a better environment for the player base by getting rid of toxicity in game along with those pesky hackers who keep popping up every day. I will also voice my opinion and concerns as they arise to my attention which I realize a lot of people are shy of doing. Here are some traits that best define who I am.
I take work seriously, however that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy having fun. A good balance of worth ethics along with conduct can be maintained into a good play style that can turn a staff into a great leader to set the example for the community. This is the role model I strive to be. This also brings us into our next trait here,
Definitely a trait you want each of your staff to have. It proves to the community that the person they look up to is reliable and assures them that their server is being taken care of properly. Being 16, currently in sports like wrestling and football it has taught me how to maintain respect for authority and keep a tight and tidy demeanor.
Note that I am currently in US where the time zone is almost perfect for the server, this is a good thing. I can be online when most of the players are online which will help provide coverage to the server at a players discretion.
Having prior experience staffing on the Minecraft factions scene along with experience being a higher up on big HCF servers I have a great laydown of the server rules and guidelines players should follow. This is also from background knowledge from playing the game mode as a player, which I have been doing for almost 7 years now.
Do you have anything else to add? I can speak English and Spanish
Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes