
Accepted Sp99ks_'s Staff Application

What is your IGN? Sp99ks_

What is your discord username? Sp99ks#3412

What is your age? 17

What is your timezone? NA

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

How often can you be online Almost Every Day.

Why are you interested in applying for our team? I see that the server is growing and i love it. It is a regular thing for people to hack and ruin it for other people so I wana join the staff team and help eliminate the people that a ruining the game for everyone else.

What made you chose our team over others? I see the server is growing and that the community will spread. The staff members on the team seem like nice people and I would love to join the help of the staff members. This team seems to be well organized and hard working people really trying to make the server fun for all the enjoying members.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Yes, I used to be a helper on OpCraft. And a bunch of other smaller servers. I was the owner of my own cosmic test server but shut it down after one map because staff members started using their own power against me.

What makes you stand out over other applicants? (300+ words) The thing that makes me stand out from other people is that I am a hard working person and a really loving person. I help out every way that I can and I treat everyone equally. Some of my weaknesses are people using power to hurt others and ruin everything for them. This really makes me mad because people don't know how to control their minds. Some of my strengths are that I'm a really hard working person and if I get a job I will do my best to do my best and finish the job as well as I possibly can. Another one of my strengths is working with people. I'm a really nice person and I love helping people and getting the situation right for them. one of my finale out of many strengths is i'm a very creative and disciplined person if someone is doing something wrong and ruining something for someone i will give them the discipline they deserve i will not cut anyone short even if they are my friend when it comes to the creative strength i am always looking at ways and giving suggestions to make something better and more fun for the people of the server. as you can see these are my strengths and one of my weakness i would bring to the LotusMc Staff team. Other things that might make me stand out from others is that i'm a really willing person i would never tell someone no if someone asked me to work and figure out a situation that is going on such as a ( Hacking , Raiding , BaseBuilding , Duping , ETC ) Situation. And another thing is if I don't know something that is going on in a situation I would message a higher up staff member to help finish it up and check out the situation. I will also have a recording software always open to record and clip things going on so that I have backup proof of something that would be going on. And before I would ever do something higher up such as a perm ban or ban someone I would call up another staff member just to get further confirmation on the situation.

Do you have anything else to add? Nothing Else.

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @Sp99ks,

Thank you for applying and congratulations! Your application has been accepted into Pending Interview. Please DM me [Paiinful#8344] on Discord to set up an appropriate interview time.

Best of luck,
- LotusMC Staff Management
Greetings @Sp99ks,

Thank you for applying! CONGRATULATIONS!! You have been accepted into the Staff Team!

We have given you the permissions and roles.

Welcome to the Team!
- LotusMC Staff Management