
Denied UhTuff's Staff Application

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What is your IGN? UhTuff

What is your discord username? UhTuff#8696

Have you applied before? No

What is your age? 16

What is your timezone? EST

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

Are you able to devote time into your position? Yes I will be able to devote all my time into my positions, of the task and stuff u give me to complete or do.

Why are you interested in applying for our team? My friend Modsy and x_Wqlf_ told me to try out this fun server and I really like it and think it is cool so I started and I thought I would like to help the server to make it better in all types of ways.

What made you chose our team over others? My friends was a mod so he told me to maybe I could help the server because there's nice staff and nice people that play on the server.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Yes I have on many other servers they loved me as a staff I just had to leave there server because It took to much of my time up in life because they always needed me on for stuff and I will be on if u need me any time fast as I can be on and this is a good time now for me to be a helper/staff now in this year it will not take up any time in my life.

What makes you stand out over other applicants? I like to write a lot I don't know really but I like to help people I've done that my whole life I just think I have a good heart and compassionate in different types of ways that people like.

Do you have anything else to add? I love the server how its organized looking forward to helping walls crew out.

Are you able to get on the server on a short notice? Yes

Do you agree not to create drama whether your application is accepted or denied? Yes

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes

Are you able to make your staffing experience here a commitment? Yes

Are you currently staff on any other server or platform? No


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @Griefff,

Thank you for applying! Unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reason(s):

- Lack of major detail and effort put into the questions on your application.
- Has not yet been a week since your last application.

Feel free to re-apply in a week.
- LotusMC Staff Management
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