
Accepted vccr's Staff Application

What is your IGN? vccr

What is your discord username? vccr#9454

Have you applied before? Yes

Please link your application here don't have the link

What is your age? 18

What is your timezone? eu

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

Are you able to devote time into your position? yes ofc

Why are you interested in applying for our team? I want to help the server out since i know that the server needs some work with plugins, bugs, faction features added. I see the potentional of this server and what it can accomplish, the server just needs to be smooth and enjoyable to everyone. I want every player that joins the server to have a good time. I am interested to join the team to improve the community and the server. With my contribution i think you will easier accomplish your goals with the server.

What made you chose our team over others? I see potential in this server with dedicated owner and staff that wants to improve the server and make it enjoyable.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail yes i was staff in a faction sever called SparkzMC where i was admin and did pretty much anything. i was deadling with all ingame and discord staff related things. All from doing tickets, support calls, insiding, testing ac/plugins, coreprotect, and alot of other things.

What makes you stand out over other applicants? I know my thing and role as a staff member. IMO i am very good at handling situations in chat in a good way and keep a good tone in the chat or support calls/tickets. I can handle someone that is toxic or mad. i think some staff members just dosn't care about thoose people and is just ignoring but I take action in such situations and try to calm them down and figure out whats wrong. Helping them out

Do you have anything else to add? I am very helpful for new players first time joining this server and overall helping everyone as much as i can. It's very important for me to have a good support as a staff and also have a good realationshop with players. And that's something i can be really good at

Are you able to get on the server on a short notice? Yes

Do you agree not to create drama whether your application is accepted or denied? Yes

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes

Are you able to make your staffing experience here a commitment? Yes

Are you currently staff on any other server or platform? Yes
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Staff member

Due to a lack of information and disregard for attention to detail, this application has been denied. Feel free to re-apply in 21 days.


Staff member
Senior Admin
After further details and explanations we have decide to accept your application!
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