
Denied masiix's Staff Application

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What is your IGN? masiix

What is your discord username? masix#3819

Have you applied before? No

What is your age? 19

What is your timezone? Australian Eastern Standard Time

Do you have a working microphone and headset? Yes

Are you able to devote time into your position? Yes I am able to devote my time into this position as a Staff Member.

Why are you interested in applying for our team? When It comes to staffing all I think of is negativity and negativity is a big thing when It comes to staffing on servers, with me as a staff member I want to spread the positivity and get rid of any type of negativity that comes to this server, and to make sure the game experience of each player on the server is the best it can be. I am always positive towards the community and an uplifting person, If I got offered a task by anyone, I will be at 100% to complete this task. I have been playing Minecraft for many years now and the servers I have been on have not been getting the assistance they need fast enough, So I want to be an addition to the team and help the players in need as quickly and efficiently as possible. I possibly think I can fit well with the staff members on this server and I do believe that they can help me if I don’t understand or get something right, All I want to do is be a guide to this community and genuinely help the people with any of their problem on this server. Staffing is hard work, but I am always up for a challenge, I am a hard and very positive worker, I want to provide the server with assistance, assistance where people don’t have to wait a large amount of time in TeamSpeak or discord for a staff member to move them simply just to be asked simple questions, Like to get revived or to ask a questions of any sort. When it comes to demotivated staff members on the server, I am very dedicated and extremely motivated to work hard and push my limits to the test of my abilities. Staff members will always have come across mistakes in their job and I am able to push through those mistakes and work even harder in the future to correct those mistakes from happening ever again.

What made you chose our team over others? The reason I have chosen this team over others is the fact that I need a fresh start and the best place for that is here. The community on here is well managed and the staff team have an acceptable idea on how to work with there positions. Within this server I have the opportunity to learn and evolve much more then I have already. With this I am able to bring all my other previous experience to help out others that are struggling with a certain situation. Overall This server has the ability to grow even more and that is why I am applying today.

Do you have any past staff experience? If so, please explain in further detail Server:

Rank: Admin ( ) Screenshot.

Daily player count: 30 – 40
PrayHCF was the first server I became a staff member on. This server was an HCF, Kit map and practice server running around 30 Players on always. As everyone else would I started as a helper on this server and being staff on that server for a couple of months I have worked my way up to Admin, My Job on that server was to Recruit new staff members to the network, Manage the Buycraft and any payment issues, and as on any other server ban any type of cheaters ruining the game for others.

Server: Minebo

Rank: Admin

Daily player count: 60 – 80
Minebo was an Australian HCF, Kit map and practice server I Became staff on back in 2017 starting as helper for a few months of gaining the trust of the staff members and doing my job correctly I got offered a position as a moderator on the server, I accepted that offer and carried on gaining more experience and becoming an acceptable staff member.

Server: BreachPvP

Rank: Moderator

BreachPvP was also a factions server like this one and my job within this server was communicate and help others with situations they couldn't handle whether it was with commands or problems with there factions. I also was able to gain the trust to stop anyone from using any illegal modifications and or hacked client. As this server grew we had to create the best experience for every individual and therefore we had to get rid of those malicious players whether it was toxicity or hacking.

What makes you stand out over other applicants? You should accept me as a staff member for LotusMC over other applicants because I am very dedicated to help those players in need of assistance, I am well known for working in a team environment but also able to work on my own up to my standards. Being that one and the only person the community always seeks to get help from is something I have always strived for in any situation. It is now my chance to provide the experience of this community with the love and support as a new potential staff member on the LotusMC Network.

◆ Dedication
When it comes to staffing on a server, I am an extremely dedicated individual, which that means whenever a task has been set up upon myself self it will have my 100% attention and 100% Effort to complete this task.

◆ Patience
When I come to certain things patience is one of my key values, I do not mind waiting for anything for instance during a screen share of any type I would always take my time to make sure I am doing things correctly and efficiently.

◆ Honesty
Honesty is a very big thing either in Minecraft or in the outside world and honesty is one of the main priorities I respect in life, I am very mature for my age, I do not accept liars in the Minecraft community as well as the outside world they are just there to make things worse or waste your time, If I have made any mistakes I would own up and admit to them and accept the punishment towards it and learn from those mistakes in the future.

Do you have anything else to add? I am 19 years old undergoing a certificate IV in plumping, I have a full time job working as a plumber, which comes to a lot of responsibility. I am captain of a rugby league team called the Maroochydore swans. That is all Thank you for reading my application and enjoy the rest of your day.

Are you able to get on the server on a short notice? Yes

Do you agree not to create drama whether your application is accepted or denied? Yes

Do you agree not to message a staff member about your application until it has been at least 3 days? Yes

Are you able to make your staffing experience here a commitment? Yes

Are you currently staff on any other server or platform? No


Staff member
Senior Admin
Greetings @masiix,
Thank you for applying and congratulations! Your application has been accepted into “Pending Interview”. Please DM Paiinful (Paiinful#8344) on Discord to set up an interview.

Best of luck!
- LotusMC Staff Management
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